26 junio, 2021

Draconic Astrology published on Midheaven magazine

Draconic Astrology

Article published on the Midheaven magazine on June 2021.

Different kinds of zodiacs

When referring to draconic, a good starting point is to have a look at the meaning of the word zodiac. This word originates from the Greek zodiac kuklos which means circle of animals. This circle of animals is composed by the twelve 12 signs that are named after the constellations. The Sun crosses these twelve signs on its apparent pathway around the earth; this orbital highway is called the ecliptic by astronomers and the zodiac by astrologers.

It’s important to know that there are different kinds of zodiacs, these depend on which starting point one uses to originate it, and each represents a different perspective, offers a different aspect of experience.

The best-known zodiacs are the Sidereal and the Tropical. The Sidereal zodiac is defined with respect to a reference star, and is mostly used in Vedic astrology. The Tropical zodiac, more commonly used in Western astrology, is based on the seasons and defined with respect of the Celestial Equator. 

Roughly 2000 years ago, when the Tropical zodiac came into use, the constellations and signs from which they receive their names coincided, with the result that both the Sidereal and Tropical zodiacs were the same. But due to the precession of the equinoxes, the vernal point moves backwards one degree every 72 years. And whereas the Sidereal zodiac uses a correction to account for the precession of the equinoxes, the Tropical zodiac is fixed and doesn’t take precession into account. What this means is that even if roughly 2000 years ago both zodiacs were the same, nowadays there’s a difference of about 24 degrees between one and the other.

In this article I’m going to refer to a third kind of zodiac: the Draconic zodiac, based on the Moon and the lunar nodes.

Don’t miss our draconian astrology course.

The nodes

Before referring in detail to the Draconic zodiac, i.e. the zodiac of the nodes, one might ask oneself: what are the nodes? 

The orbit of the Moon is inclined by about 5 degrees to the ecliptic. Because it’s tilted, it crosses the path of the Sun; these points of intersection are the lunar nodes. There are two nodes: the North Node which is the Moon going from South to North and the South Node which is the Moon going from North to South. Both nodes are 180 degrees from each other and form the nodal axis. It’s important to bear in mind that the nodes are not planets, they are abstract points in space.

All planets have nodes, which are the points of intersection of each planet and the ecliptic. The lunar nodes are related to matters concerning the Moon: they are about emotions, the past, unconscious motivations. They move retrograde, taking them about a year and a half to move backwards through each sign of the Zodiac. In other words, they take roughly eighteen years and seven months to return.

The Latin names for the lunar nodes are Caput Draconis or Head of the Dragon, which is the North Node and Cauda Draconis or Tail of the Dragon, which is the South Node.

Because the nodes are points in space that result of the intersection of the solar and lunar orbits, symbolically they combine two fundamental aspects of our being: the Sun, our active consciousness, with the Moon, our receptive awareness and emotional realm. 

Traditional meaning of the nodes

In Western astrology the nodes were traditionally associated with benefic and malefic planets, but with the advent of modern or psychological astrology in the past century, there arose a new way of interpreting them.

Let’s have a look at the traditional view according to Guido Bonatti, an Italian astrologer from the 13th century. In his book Tractatus Teritus he refers to the North Node in the following way: 

“The Head of the Dragon (north node) is by nature a benefic and by nature masculine. It signifies increase and things that are increased, for instance kingdoms, dignity and good fortune.” About the South Node, he says: ”The Tail of the Dragon is malefic by nature, feminine, of the nature of Saturn and Mars. It signifies decrease, poverty and fall.”

However, he makes an exception when the nodes appear in horary charts conjunct the significators of the question or the Moon. In Liber Astronomie, Guido Bonatti writes- “the fifth (consideration) is when she (the Moon) is with the Dragon’s Head or with the Dragon’s Tail, that is, within twelve degrees of either of them, because that is the place where she is eclipsed.”

Psychological meaning of nodes

Regarding humanistic astrology, French Astrologer Dane Rudhyar was one of the first to introduce the meaning of the nodes from a psychological perspective. He writes – “from a more strictly biological and functional point of view, the North Lunar Node refers to the mouth of an animal and the South Lunar Node to the organs of evacuation…”

According to this view, the South Node describes the path of least resistance, shows qualities we are already familiar with and express in spite of ourselves (as Rudhyar points out, as if one needed to get rid of it); it describes what is being decreased. It can also be seen in terms of past lives if one believes in them.

The North Node, on the other hand, represents the traits we strive to conquer in order to counterbalance the unconscious tendencies of the South Node. It is what is being built in this life, what is being increased and incorporated. 

In order to move into the future, we need to know where we are coming from. This is the reason the nodal axis has been called the Souls’ Path, where the South Node represents the past and the North where we are headed. Both nodes need each other to maintain a balance.

For example, the North Node is in Aries and the 2nd house, this area is about material and financial security and resources, and Aries is concerned with self-will, so the person’s conscious effort is focused on developing his own resources, becoming more assertive and growing in self- confidence. In order to achieve this, he needs to decrease his dependency on others, especially in terms of money, and his inclination to give too much importance to other people’s demands.

To sum up, we can say that the difference between Traditional and Western astrology in terms of the interpretation of the nodes, is that the first considers them either benefic or malefic influences while the second approach relates them to evolution.

The Draconic Zodiac

Both the Tropical and Draconic zodiacs consist of 12 equal signs of 30 degrees each. The difference between them is that the first is oriented to the Sun and uses the Vernal Point as its starting point or 0 degrees Aries, whereas the latter is oriented to the Moon and takes the North Node as 0 degree of Aries. 

Each zodiac is the result of the intersection of two different planes, and symbolically one could say that they combine two dimensions of being. The Tropical zodiac is about our psychological traits; the Draconic zodiac alludes to memory and inheritance and previous incarnations. It is impressed within the tropical, and both interact.

Origin of the Draconic zodiac

There are hints that it could have originated in Babylonia but there’s not enough evidence to support that it was known or used in ancient times. The first known author to refer to the Draconic zodiac was Maurice Froger, who in 1959 wrote The Nodal Horoscope, Astrology, (Astrological Lodge). Others such as Aldo Lavagnini, Ronald Davison, Marc Penfield also mentioned it in various books and articles. In 1977 Dennis Elwell introduced the Draconic Zodiac to the Astrological Association Cambridge Conference. Among those present was Pamela Crane, who did extended research resulting in two outstanding books: Draconic Astrology, published in 1985 (Aquarian Press) and The Draconic Chart, (Flare Publication,2000)

The Draconic Chart

The Draconic zodiac is associated with our motivations and purpose. Because it is engraved within the Tropical zodiac one needs to superimpose the draconic chart to the tropical one. Both charts interact: the draconic chart represents memories, inheritance, habits and roots which influence my present-day as described by the tropical chart.

In a draconic chart the planets have the same placements and form the same aspects as in the tropical, but signs and degrees shift. In order to calculate a draconic chart, the position of the North Node is subtracted from the location of each planet and house cusp.   


North Node =   28° 10′ 30” Cancer (118° 10′ 30”)

Tropical Sun =    9° 39’47”   Virgo (159° 39′ 47”)

Draconic Sun = 159° 39′ 47”- 118°10′ 30” = 41°29′ 17” = 11° 29′ 17” Taurus                                

Effective programs which calculate the draconic chart are astro.com /Astro-Seek.com/cartanatal.es

When a draconic planet or angle touches a tropical one, it is as though the soul has reached out to that planet in order to convey a part of itself. There is a subliminal conditioning that becomes evident; the contacted planet expresses the symbolism of the draconic and gains strength in terms of the planetary symbolisms involved.

Only conjunctions and oppositions within 0-3 degrees of orb are taken into account.

Example: LeBron James

I was struck by the lack of dignified planets in someone as famous as LeBron. Even though the fact that Mars is angular on the MC is a testimony for his being an athlete, both the rulers of his ascendant and MC are essentially and accidentally debilitated. Mars is in Pisces where it barely has dignity by triplicity according to Ptolemy and no dignity at all if one uses the triplicity rulers as described by Dorotheus. However, on superimposing his draconic chart we see, among other aspects, exalted draconic Mars conjunct his natal Sun, this is descriptive of the kind of person whose identity is connected to competition, achievements, self-will. 

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                                      Inner chart: LeBron James natal chart 12/30/1984 04:04pm Akron, OH., US.

                                        Outer chart: draconic chart. Astro-seek Rodden Rating A (astrodienst)

Example: Carl G. Jung

In this chart, the Sun in the 7th describes his relationships with prominent people, such as Freud. Soon after Jung was appointed by Freud to become the heir of the psychoanalytical movement, there was a break up in their relationship due to Jung’s decision to continue using methods such as astrology and the interpretation of dreams in his work. The need of independence, even if it meant breaking up with the establishment and becoming a castaway, is shown by the exact contact between draconic Uranus to tropical Sun.

In his biography, Jung states that he was able to get in touch with the darkest side of human nature through the relationship with his mother. He relates that when he was about 3 years old, he had a dream in which he saw a dark hole in the ground, and on descending he encountered a gigantic phallus. In his dream he hears his mother’s voice saying: “Yes, just look at him, this is the man eater!”. He considered this dream an initiation into the realm of darkness and later on, as a doctor, he insisted on the importance of getting in touch with one’s personal secret. Notice how draconic Pluto is 3 degrees away from tropical Moon in Taurus.

Finally, his draconic Moon is conjunct tropical Neptune accounts for his tendency to connect with the realm of the dreams, visions, spiritism and archetypes.

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                Inner chart: LeBron James natal chart 07/28/1875  07:24pm Kesswil, Switzerland.

                   Outer chart: draconic chart. Astro-seek Rodden Rating A (astrodienst)

Draconic houses

As the tropical and draconic houses overlap, consider the draconic as the soul level which expresses inner drives and underlying impulses. Pay special attention to the draconic ascendant and which tropical house with which it overlaps: that is the area through which one’s deeper motivations are expressed. For instance, if the draconic ascendant falls on the tropical 3rd, one gets in touch with one’s deeper self through matters such as sales, relationship with siblings, communications, studying, education, travel… In other words, through 3rd house matters, one’s real internal self is expressed. If it overlaps the tropical 10th, the sense of self is related to professional achievements.  If it coincides with the 5th, matters such as children or entertainment will be the means through which one’s deeper motivations are expressed.


Angelina Jolie’s draconic ascendant falls on the tropical 5th of children and entertainment. Notice how it is conjunct the tropical North Node, which traditionally refers to things that increase and grow, giving an idea of a large number of children. In the modern or humanisitic definition of the nodes, this conjunction could mean that her growth is related to raising children or to the world of entertainment among other significations of the 5th house.

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                              Inner chart: Angelina Jolie natal chart 04/04/1975 09:09am Los Angeles, US.

                                   Outer chart: draconic chart. Astro-seek Rodden Rating A (astrodienst)


Astrologer Liz Greene’s ascendant falls on the cusp of the 10th house of profession, conjunct the Sun, ruler of the tropical 9th. The draconic ascendant on the tropical 10th shows how she is able to express her inner drive through her career. The fact that the Sun receives the influence of the draconic ascendant means that her inner motivation is expressed specifically through 9th house matters, such as astrology, teaching, publishing, and this drive gives the Sun the strength to shine and become prominent.

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                                                                                                     Inner chart: Liz Greene natal chart 11/04/1946 01:01pm Englewood, NJ, US.

                                                                                                     Outer chart: draconic chart. Astro-seek Rodden Rating A (astrodienst)

 Synastry between draconic charts

Synastry means stars in the same place and is about the needs, desires or conflicts that are brought out when two people connect. Contacts by synastry between draconic charts show connections under the surface, describe a relationship that has its roots in the past and point to soul agreements. 

Ronald c. Davison, in his book Synastry says:- “(…)significant relationships in the life are usually those which have previously been established in a past incarnation (…)positions(…)translated(…)into(…) the draconic zodiac (…) may show through their cross aspects to other nativities those contacts which have been carried over from a previous incarnation.” 

Example: compare former Prince Harry and Megan Markle’s tropical charts. Her Pluto is conjunct his Venus; this relationship involves power issues and profound transformation. Her Mars is conjunct his 7th cusp, triggering him to action.

In the synastry between the draconic charts his Uranus is opposing her Sun and her Uranus is conjunct his Sun, meaning that in an inner level this relationship was about freedom and disobedience and breaking free. 

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                                                  Tropical synastry                                                        Draconic synastry

 Inner chart: (Former ) Prince Harry 9/15/1974 16:20 London, UK.

Outer chart: Meghan Markle 8/4/1981 4:46am L.A. California US.            

Astro-Seek Rodden Rating AA (astrodienst)


On reading Margaret Atwood, I was always impressed by the way she reminded me of George Orwell. Recently, I learned that he was an enormous influence on her writing, which came as no surprise. If we compare their tropical charts, we can see that Orwell’s Mercury is right on Atwood’s ascendant. However, on superimposing the draconic charts, one finds that Orwell’s Saturn, ruler of his draconic 10th house of career, is exactly conjunct Atwood’s draconic Moon, ruler of her draconic 10th

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                                Tropical Synastry                                                         Draconic Synastry

Inner chart: Margaret Atwood 11/18/1939 7pm Ottawa, Canada.

Outer chart: George Orwell, 6/25/1903 2:30pm Motihari, India.            

Astro-Seek Rodden Rating AA (astrodienst)

Draconic transits

The nodes move retrograde through the zodiac and take about 18 years and 6 months to return, this means that draconic planets move at a different pace than tropical ones, and it never takes a draconic planet more than 18 and a half years to return. When using draconic transits, bear in mind that a planet that in the tropical zodiac might spend years in a sign, will remain in a sign for only a few months in the draconic zodiac. For instance, as one can see form the ephemeris pages below, draconic Uranus will be transiting Aquarius from March 20th 2020 to May 7th 2021 ( True node was used), so it will take only thirteen and a half months to transit through a sign instead of the seven years it usually takes in the tropical zodiac. 

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            Draconic Ephemeris March 20- June 21 Astro-seek

Because the North node acts as a starting point for the draconic zodiac, in order to calculate draconic transits, simply subtract the North Node from the current position of the planet or cusp. 

For example, on May 9th 2020, the True node was at 28 º Gemini (88º longitude) and tropical Saturn was at 29º Capricorn (299º longitude). To find draconic Saturn simply subtract the North node from the planet:

 299-88= 211º= 1º Scorpio; on that day, draconic Saturn was transiting 1º Scorpio. 

There are online programs such as astro.com and Astro-Seek that offer draconic ephemeris.

Draconic transits can be used on both the draconic and the tropical charts; conjunctions and oppositions are mainly used, and orbs should be kept tight (up to 3 degrees).

Draconic transits can be felt as life changing events that alter the course of our life. They bring to the present issues pending from the past, can give closure to problems from former experiences and are often felt as inevitable. On many occasions, they are impressive in the way in which they describe what’s going on behind the scenes in terms of the event that takes place.

Example: WHO announces pandemic.

On March 11th2020, Uranus was conjunct tropical Saturn, both at 29 degrees of Capricorn. The WHO announced the Coniv19 pandemic, an illness which has spread unexpectedly and in record time (mostly due to people travelling world- wide by plane), and specially affects old people. The combination between draconic Uranus and tropical Saturn is striking.

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                                                                                 Draconic transits on tropical event chart 3/11/2020 Astro-Seek


On the afternoon of August 4th there were a series of devastating explosions in Beirut, Lebanon, as a warehouse full of explosives caught fire. At the time of the most dramatic explosion, which sent a blast wave radiating through the city, draconic Mars, a planet related to explosions and fire, was exactly conjunct the tropical stellium formed by Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter. 

The explosion sent a mushroom cloud into the air; draconic Uranus was on the cusp of the 4th of hidden things, exactly opposite the tropical Sun which was conjunct the draconic 10th of public events, fitting perfectly the symbolism of an unexpected blast which surged from the depth of the earth and became visible high in the air for all the world to see.

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           Draconic transits on tropical event chart 8/04/2020 6:08pm Beirut, Lebanon. Astro-Seek

To sum up, draconic astrology gives proof that there exist different levels of reality which interact in our everyday life and influence our behavior and the kind of events which affect us on a personal and mundane level. One could say that it provides incredibly accurate information which, combined with the tropical chart, helps enlighten the way to growth and self-awareness. 

Maria Blaquier

September 2020



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