Publicado en la revista Astrological Journal Mayo 2024
The fact that twins, despite sharing DNA, the same upbringing (in most cases) and almost identical natal charts, tend to lead very different lives is, obviously, a dilemma for astrologers. For many years, I have been trying to find an answer to this problem and, after a thorough research, I have concluded that by casting one of the sibling’s birth chart using the draconic zodiac, and the tropical zodiac to cast the other, the divergences in their personalities and life trajectories may be explained from an astrological point of view.
In the following lines, I seek to share my findings: the first part of this article offers an introduction to draconic astrology, a relatively new discipline where much remains to be discovered, and the second part aims to support my theory that the use of this alternative method of charting holds the key to the astrological problem of twins.
Different types of zodiacs
Different types of zodiacs describe different levels of reality. Each one depends on its starting point and, in order to expose the hypothesis that I have just stated, it is important to begin by briefly explaining the two zodiacs that I will use to address the predicament that twins represent for astrologers.
Both the tropical and draconic zodiacs consist of 12 signs of 30 degrees each. The first is oriented to the Sun and uses the Vernal Point (the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere) as its starting point or 0° Aries. The second is oriented to the Moon, results from the intersection of the ecliptic and the projected orbit of the Moon and uses the position of the North Node in the natal chart as its starting point. The draconic chart, therefore is not a standalone chart, but is inscribed within the tropical one, as it depends on the North Node of each person´s natal chart. Draconic positions are measured from this point and, as it refers to the lunar dimension, interpretations tend to emphasize emotional, subjective and spiritual aspects. The tropical zodiac, on the other hand, deals with the outermost, or solar, layer of reality and often signifies our psychological behaviors.
As each of these zodiacs is the result of the intersection of two different levels, one could say that they symbolically combine two dimensions of being: the tropical zodiac is related to our active consciousness and the draconic zodiac reveals a more lunar or receptive layer of our personality.
The Nodes
The draconic zodiac, which most people are not very familiar with, can’t be explained without understanding what the Lunar Nodes are, for this zodiac is named, precisely, after the identities of the Lunar Nodes in classical Latin: Caput Draconis (Head of the Dragon) for the North Node and Cauda Draconis (Tail of the Dragon) for the South Node.
To start with, it is important to note that nodes are not planets, but abstract mathematically calculated points in space. All planets have two nodes, which are the intersection points of their own orbit and the ecliptic. The projected orbit of the Moon is inclined nearly 5 degrees in relation to the path of the Sun, and the two points where both orbits intersect are the Lunar Nodes. The North Node is where the Moon goes from South to North of the ecliptic (or from negative to positive celestial latitude), and the South Node is where the Moon goes from North to South of the ecliptic. Both nodes are in partile opposition to each other and make up the nodal axis.
The Lunar Nodes move backwards and it takes them about a year and a half to travel through each zodiac sign, activating specific areas of our chart when they do so. According to the most popular perspective nowadays, they are said to symbolize things from the past and past lives (for those who believe in them) and they are associated with personal growth. This is why their transits offer a chance to revisit the energies of a particular astrological place or topos, on a more elevated evolutionary level, each time they activate it.
In Western astrology, the Lunar Nodes were traditionally associated with either benefic or malefic planets, but a new way of interpreting them (related to evolutionary concerns) arose with the advent of psychological astrology during the last century. According to this interpretation, the South Node displays qualities that we are already familiar with, express effortlessly and unwittingly, and the North Node represents the traits that should be developed as a counterweight to the unconscious behaviors related to the South Node.
From this psychological perspective, introduced mainly by French astrologer Dane Rudhyar, the South Node represents the past and the path of least resistance and the North Node represents the future and what we are building in this life and need to increase. Both need each other to maintain a balance and, as in order to move forward and evolve we need to know where we come from, the nodal axis has been called the Soul’s Path.
There are two types of nodes: the True Node and the Mean Node whose differing ecliptic values derive from the way in which they are calculated. Although they are never more than a few degrees apart, choosing one over the other may, in some cases, dramatically alter the symbolic gestalt of a given chart. That is why there is great controversy as to which node should be used.
Though my own observations, over many years, have led me to support the use of the True Node as being more effective, (and it is the one I have used in the draconic charts in this article), the leading names in astrology have different opinions and there is no single correct answer as to which is more accurate. This is why each astrologer must analyze which node performs better for his (or her) purposes in order to decide.
The draconic chart
As I have already said, the draconic chart depends on the tropical chart and is interpreted in relation to it, but each one gives a unique perspective. Though the draconic zodiac generally manifests as a kind of subliminal or “behind the scenes” behavior, I have observed that for people who feel more in tune with their own inner motivations, the draconic chart may describe them more accurately than their tropical chart.
As in this new chart, the North Node of the tropical chart becomes the 0° Point of Aries of the draconic chart, the entire draconic chart rotates according to the angle formed between this node and the 0° Point of Aries of the tropical chart. This means that the overall chart shape does not change, but degrees and signs do. Therefore, although many astrological programs (such as Astro-Seek, or can calculate a draconic chart, it can also be easily drawn up without the aid of software: one simply needs to subtract the position of the North Node from the location of each planet and house cusp.
For example:
North Node = 28° 10′ 30” Cancer (118° 10′ 30”)
Tropical Sun = 9° 39’47” Virgo (159° 39′ 47”)
Draconic Sun = 159° 39′ 47” – 118°10′ 30” = 41°29′ 17” = 11° 29’17” Taurus.
If, when both charts are overlapped, a natal tropical planet or angle is in conjunction with, or in opposition to, a draconic one, concealed aspects of the personality are expressed through that planet or angle, and that tropical chart point receives prior conditioning. The contacted planet expresses the symbolism of the draconic one and gains strength in terms of the planetary symbolisms involved, making that subliminal conditioning evident. Meanwhile, draconic houses express a more internal and experiential level that is manifested through the tropical houses with which they overlap.
Draconic transits can be used on both the draconic and the tropical chart, tropical transits work on draconic charts. The draconic transits trigger subjective issues that will have repercussions on the external behavior for a much longer time, while tropical transits on the draconic chart are interpreted as an external condition that impacts or triggers emotional experiences.
Until this matter is further researched, when looking at these aspects, I will only consider conjunctions and oppositions within tight orbs of 0-3 degrees, in order to be as rigorous as possible.
The problem twins represent for astrology
Twins usually have virtually identical or, at least, very similar natal charts. This is why from an astrological point of view, one would expect them to share the same personality traits.
However, in most cases, twins express themselves in very different ways and experience singular life outcomes making the question of why almost identical charts do not produce similar personalities and life paths one of the most common arguments against astrology. So how can we justify that twins often end up having such different lives?
How to delineate charts of twins
There have been several attempts to explain these differences from an astrological point of view, including the ones I list below.
- Aly Ben Ragel, the famous Arab astrologer of the 11th century, recommended using the placement of the Moon in the chart of the newly born twins to symbolize the mother, and then consider the first planet that the Moon applies to as significator of the first-born twin, and the second planet that the Moon applies to as the significator for the second-born child.[1]
- Reverend Pamela Crane mentioned in a personal conversation[2] that she uses dwads, which act as a sign within a sign, to account for distinctions between the charts of twins. In this type of Vedic divisional chart each sign is divided into twelve parts. This method can account for the slight differences of expression found between the degrees of a sign and could work with cusps, but applying it to planets can be tricky, for a substantial difference in the times of birth is necessary for most planets to be in different degrees.
- American astrologer Maurice Fernandez suggests taking into account influences such as the psychological factor, the context factor and the soul and free will factor to explain these differences.[3]
- British astrologer Patrick Watson uses Lots or Arabic Parts, which will potentially appear in different signs for people born a few minutes apart.[4]
- In her article Why Twins born just a few minutes apart have a different life, Vedic astrologer Neha Pradeep Saini suggests that twins can easily be differentiated by using the D-60 chart[5], a system by which the chart changes completely every 2 minutes and becomes a very accurate tool for pinpointing turning points in a person’s life.
Using techniques that subdivide the chart seems like an effective solution to account for differences in the lives of twin siblings, but its major drawback is that it cannot be applied to the chart of Siamese siblings, where there’s no birth time difference whatsoever.
Using separate charts based on different types of zodiacs for each twin
I have been involved with astrology since 1987, and over the last 20 years, I have dedicated part of my time to studying the charts of twins, identical twins and Siamese twins to find a solution to the problem they represent for this discipline. Although I have considered the difference between the lives of siblings born almost at the same time a challenge since I became an astrologer, it was almost by chance that I came up with a possible explanation. The thought of using different zodiacs to account for the differences in the lives and personalities of these siblings occurred to me while I was having a consultation with a woman who had 5-year-old twins and asked me how her children could be so different if they were born within a minute of each other. That time difference in their birth meant that the MC of both charts were roughly 25 seconds apart, making them almost identical. It was at that moment that I thought of using the draconic chart to talk about one of them and the tropical chart to talk about the other. Although I couldn´t say which chart applied to each child, the mother confirmed that I was describing the different personalities of each child in detail. The positive outcome of this meeting, encouraged me to continue looking at twin charts in this way.
After many years, I finally decided to systematize the results of my observations and, in order to base my findings on evidence, I interviewed several pairs of twins and collected data using google forms to support my hypothesis. I was even fortunate enough to have a pair of Siamese twins as clients, which helped shape and reinforce my theory. With their permission, I have included their charts in this presentation.
To avoid selection-bias and to allow others to test the hypothesis, besides the case of the Siamese sisters Antonia and Paula, this article includes charts of public figures, which do not allow for subjectivity. The birth data is taken from Astrodatabank at and has a Rodden Rating AA reference. All charts are taken from Astro-Seek.
In the case of public figures, my decision on which chart to use for each sibling is based on their life outcomes. To support my choice, I have relied on transits as a method of identifying important life events. In the following examples I have used tropical and, in some cases, draconic transits on both tropical and draconic charts and have included draconic progressions and solar returns when the time of birth has been verified.
Draconic solar returns and secondary progressions are interpreted in the same way as their tropical counterparts although, of course, the draconic zodiac is used. The draconic solar return varies according to which of the Nodes (True or Mean) is used and it is calculated for the moment that the draconic Sun returns. As this happens approximately every 11 and a half months, it does not coincide with a person’s birthday.
Draconic progressions work in a similar way as tropical secondary progression, but the draconic positions of the planets after birth are used.
In the cases where I have included draconic progressions, even the slightest time difference in birth was considered and when considering transits of the draconic chart, I have focused primarily, but not exclusively, on conjunctions and oppositions and have kept very tight orbs, up to 3 degrees. In cases in which the time difference is less than 5 minutes, I have not considered it important to draw separate charts for each sibling (unless the cusps of the angles fall in different signs due to the time difference.)
Though I have found (and continue to investigate) that, usually, the tropical chart is more descriptive of one of the twin siblings and the draconic of the other, this does not necessarily mean that the tropical chart no longer works for both. What seems to be true is that, even though the tropical chart might still be effective, the draconic chart is significantly more influential and describes the personality traits and life events of one of the twins more accurately.
Michael and Timothy Knatchbull

The Knatchbull twins enjoyed the privilege of being part of the British Royal Family, an honor that sadly brought tragedy to their life when the IRA attacked their grandfather, Lord Mountbatten, by bombing the Shadow V, a little motor boat that the family used to fish, while on holiday in Ireland. Two grandparents, a friend and Michael, one of the twins, were killed in the explosion, while the surviving twin, Timothy, lost sight in one eye. Is it possible to determine which of the twins died and which survived by using the draconic chart?
Nicholas and Timothy were born in London on November 18, 1964. Nicholas, the twin who died, was born at 3:40 p.m., while Timothy was born at 4:00 p.m. (Rodden Ratings AA). Despite the 20-minute difference in their birth time, both brothers have the same signs rising and on the MC of the tropical charts. However, in his draconic charts, the surviving twin Timothy has draconic Pisces rising instead of draconic Aquarius. This led me to assign the tropical chart to Nicholas and the draconic chart to Timothy, for Pisces is ruled by benefic Jupiter, a planet that supports life and well-being.
My decision to use the draconic chart to describe surviving twin, Timothy, was reinforced by the fact that he works as a television documentary writer and has published a book chronicling his experience as an IRA attack survivor, From a Clear Blue Sky: Surviving the Mountbatten Bomb. In the draconic chart, both rulers of the MC are in Gemini.

Using transits to time events
On the morning of August 27, 1979, Nicholas was killed by a bomb.
Tropical transits on the tropical chart for Nicholas on the day of his death, August 27th, 1979
- Transiting Uranus was on the descendant, the point in the chart that represents the paternal grandfather.
- Transiting Uranus was conjunct Neptune, ruler of the 12th of hidden enemies and loss. It is significant that he died because of an unexpected explosion (Uranus), while at sea (Neptune).
- Transiting Saturn was conjunct natal Uranus, placed in the 5th of vacation, and conjunct Pluto, ruler of the 7th of the grandfather.
Tropical transits on the draconic chart for Timothy, August 27th, 1979
- Benefic Jupiter was transiting conjunct Neptune, one of the rulers of the draconic ascendant, which could account for him surviving the blast.
- Transiting Saturn was square Mars, ruler of the draconic 3rd of siblings.

Rami and Sami Malek

These are the tropical and draconic charts for both Rami Malek and his twin brother, Sami. Rami was born on May 12, 1981, at 8:41 AM (Rodden rating AA) and his brother was born 4 minutes later. For the purpose of this research, I will use the same chart data for both brothers, since the difference in the time of their birth does not alter the signs of the ascendant and MC (in the draconic chart, the ascendant remains in the final degrees of Aquarius for both).

This is a very interesting case because their whole life pattern is amazingly different: while Rami is a world known actor, Sami teaches English for middle school students.
Sami’s profession is well represented by the two rulers of the tropical MC: Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter, a planet associated with teaching, is weakened by its retrograde movement and the close contact to Saturn, two conditions that suggest lack of prominence. Neptune is in Sagittarius, the sign of teachers, and its placement in the 6th house is consistent with someone who offers a valuable service, but who will probably not become famous through his work.
Rami has been nominated 46 times and has received 14 awards, a career success which was not suggested by the tropical chart. The draconic chart, on the other hand, describes the career choices that made him famous. As an actor, he became known to a wider audience for his role in the hit show “Mr. Robot”, where he played a reclusive computer programmer with social anxiety who becomes a hacker. Aquarius, the sign of robots and eccentrics, is rising in the draconic chart. Pluto, one of the rulers of the draconic MC, is in the 5th of entertainment.
Another interesting fact is that before working as an actor, he dubbed voices for video games, an activity that is compatible with rising Aquarius (video games) and Pluto, ruler of the draconic MC placed in the 5th of entertainment and in an air sign. Mars, the traditional ruler of the 10th, is exalted, depicting a person likely to achieve success through his career.
Using transits to time events
Rami’s portrait as Freddy Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody, the Queen biopic was acclaimed by the critics and got him the Oscar for Best Actor on February 24th, 2019
Tropical transits on the draconic chart, February 24th, 2019
- Saturn, traditional ruler of the draconic ascendant, was transiting conjunct the draconic Sun, showing hard-earned achievements.
- Benefic Jupiter was opposite Pluto, one of the rulers of the draconic MC. Jupiter was exerting its benefic influence towards affairs related to career.
- Pluto, ruler of the draconic MC, was transiting opposite Uranus, modern ruler of the draconic ascendant, suggesting a dramatic change in his personal life and the way he perceived himself.
Tropical transits on the tropical chart, February 24th, 2019
- Neptune was transiting conjunct the tropical MC.
- Jupiter was transiting conjunct Neptune, ruler of the MC.
In this case, the tropical transits on the tropical chart are descriptive, but fail to express the magnitude of the events of this day, probably one of the most important days of his life. The tropical transits on the draconic chart, on the other hand, illustrate what happened much better, a fact that supports my choice of using the draconic chart to represent Rami.

Fun fact: At the moment he received the award, tropical Mars, a planet related to falls and accidents, was transiting at 6º Taurus, conjunct the draconic Moon, ruler of the 6th of illness. After giving his acceptance speech, he stumbled, fell, and had to be treated by paramedics. Draconic Venus, dispositor of the Moon, was receiving the influence of the South Node, traditionally linked to the aggressive and restrictive influences of the malefics.
The chart, including transits of tropical fast planets on the draconic chart, is shown on the right; the exact time of the event is not available so I have used an estimated time of 8:00 PM.

Draconic transits on the draconic chart, February 24th 2019
On the day that he was awarded the Oscar, the draconic Sun was transiting exactly conjunct the draconic MC.

Draconic solar return, 2018
I still need to do more research on draconic solar returns for they vary depending on which Node is used. For this article, I have not delineated it in depth, but have highlighted the most important points. This is the chart for the 2018 solar return, using the True Node.
- The draconic solar return ascendant fell on draconic Mars, traditional ruler of the MC.
- Mars, the planet that rules the 5th house of entertainment in the draconic solar return, is angular on the return MC.
- Benefic Jupiter is angular and opposite draconic natal Mars, traditional ruler of the MC.
- Uranus was transiting exactly opposite draconic natal Pluto, modern ruler of the MC.
Draconic secondary progressions
These have been calculated for February 24th, 2019. The True Node was used.
Progressed Mercury, ruler of the draconic natal 5th house of entertainment and art, was emphasized:
– It was retrograde, which made it slower and therefore extended its influence. It had just changed signs, gaining dignity and showing that that sector of life had improved.
– It was moving very slowly on the draconic ascendant, bringing long lasting 5th house themes into his life.
– The draconic progressed MC was in the exact same degree that Mercury was transiting in the draconic solar return of that year, connecting his career with 5th house themes.

Siamese twins: Paula and Antonia
The following case is about Siamese twins, Paula and Antonia, who were born joined at the navel and were surgically separated 9 months later. For any of the methods of differentiation by chronological techniques that I mentioned before a difference in the time of birth, however minor, is needed, but, in this case, both sisters share exactly the same time of birth, so none of them can be used.

After interviewing them, I decided to assign the tropical chart to Paula and the draconic chart to Antonia.
Paula (tropical chart)

- Sun in Aries and Moon in Scorpio: she’s independent, prone to go to extremes, keeps to herself.
- Libra in the 6th: she has suffered from severe kidney failure.
In the last months of 2019, Paula became seriously ill. On December 9th, 2019 she underwent surgery to have a kidney removed
Transits on tropical chart, December 2019
- Saturn and Pluto, two planets that when together indicate extreme and very difficult situations, transited opposite Saturn (exalted ruler of the 6th), indicating a situation of life-threatening illness.
- Transiting Saturn was squaring Jupiter, ruler of the 8th of death or extreme illnesses leading to death.
- Transiting Uranus was square Mars

Tropical solar return 2019
- The cusp of the 6th is on the 8th of medical procedures.
- The ruler of the solar return ascendant was less than 5 degrees from the cusp of the 8th of procedures.

In March 2020, Paula decided to start attending a new school to improve her social life and make new friends.
Transits on tropical, March 2020
- The stellium formed by Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn transiting Capricorn affects her 3/9 axis.
- The stellium formed by Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn is transiting opposite natal Saturn in the 3rd of school, again bringing relevance to this area.
- These are mostly malefic planets and suggest a difficult outcome. In fact, when she was supposed to start attending the new school, the lockdown due to COVID began.

Antonia (draconic chart)
- Draconic Moon is in Libra and the draconic Sun is in Pisces. Overall, she’s more placid, easy-going and willing to compromise.
- Mars, ruler of the draconic ascendant, is fortified in Capricorn where it is in exaltation.
- I was impressed by the fact that Saturn, placed in the 3rd of siblings, is conjunct the fixed star Betelgeuse which rules the navel.
Antonia changed schools in 2019 and this resulted in a very beneficial experience, she made new friends and started a relationship with a boy from her class
Transits on draconic, March 2019
- Benefic Jupiter is about to enter the 9th house and impact the 3rd of schools, bringing with it its benefic and protective influence.
- Uranus was transiting the ascendant, accounting for a big change in her appearance and motivations.
- Idealistic Neptune was transiting the 11th of friends, conjunct Mercury, ruler of the 3rd of schools, Venus, ruler of the 7th of relationships and the Sun. This transit gives an idea of fusion rather than segregation, and in fact, she immediately made new friends and started a romantic relationship.

Secondary progressions on draconic chart, March 2019
- Progressed Uranus, associated to change, was conjunct the progressed MC.
- The progressed Moon, ruler of the 3rd of school (Cancer is intercepted in the 3rd), was receiving the transit of Uranus, another indication of change.

Draconic Solar return
- Draconic Venus was on the ascendant.
- Jupiter was on the 3rd of school.
- The ascendant was very near the degree of the natal draconic ascendant, a position which, according to Volguine, allows a person to manifest the natal potential if they choose to

Linda Zlotnick and fraternal twin Lou Ann
The following example is that of fraternal twins Linda and Lou Ann, who were born with a time difference on 20 minutes. Linda is an astrologer, focusing on the study of astrological death charts and author of Star Sisters: An Astrologer’s Memoir of Twin Loss. When her sister Lou Ann passed away in 2005, five months after having been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, she tried to make sense of the divergences between their path lives through astrology, and this is why interviewing her was so enriching for my investigation.
In their tropical charts, both sisters have the same sign rising, the same sign on the MC and the same signs on the angles and the 6thhouse, but, using Placidus, the 8th of death has a different sign on the cusp.
Due to the time difference in their birth, each sister has a different ascendant in the draconic chart. Linda has Capricorn rising whereas Lou Ann had Sagittarius rising, a sign which is in accordance with her being a psychotherapist and the fact that she worked with groups, since Jupiter is placed in the 11th in her chart (whilst it is in the 10th in Linda’s). The draconic charts also have different signs on the cusp of the 8th of death.

Taking into account the differences in their charts (some of which I have mentioned) and after talking to Linda, I decided to use the tropical chart for her, and the draconic chart for Lou Ann. Linda supported this choice, especially since her sister did a lot of outdoor activities, something that relates well to Sagittarius.
Using transits to time events
On July 23rd, 2005, at 1:05 pm, Lou Ann passed away in Minneapolis, US.
Tropical transits on tropical chart for Linda, July 23rd, 2005
- Transiting Neptune was very close to the ascendant, and since this planet is placed in the 8th in her chart, experiences related to death were to be expected.
- Transiting Pluto was very near Jupiter, which is quite significant since, when using derived houses, Jupiter rules the 8th of death for siblings in Linda´s chart.
- Transiting Uranus was opposite the Sun, bringing a sense of disruption and instability to her life.

Tropical transits on draconic chart for Lou Ann, July 23rd 2005
- Transiting Saturn was very close to the Sun, ruler of the draconic 8th of death.
- Transiting Mercury was on the exact degree of her draconic Mercury, ruler of the 6th of illness

Looking at the tropic transits on the different charts we can see how the transits on the draconic chart reflect Lou Ann’s death much better.
This means that the draconic chart not only describes Lou Ann’s personality and lifestyle better, but that the draconic zodiac helps pinpoint the moment of her death quite impressively.
Draconic astrology is a relatively new discipline and, as such, much of its potential remains to be discovered and empirically tested, but it provides a powerful lens for unraveling events in our lives. Techniques such as draconic progressions, draconic transits and draconic solar returns provide information that is surprisingly accurate, and that’s what led me to investigate if all this could be useful when it comes to finding an answer to the astrological issue raised by twins.
What I have exposed seeks to support the hypothesis (I am still researching) that the use of the draconic chart to describe one twin and the tropic chart to describe the other may be a way to shed light on this dilemma, but it also aims to offer astrologers and students of astrology the opportunity to learn about this alternative method of charting
Although this theory is still a work in progress and these timing techniques applied to the draconic chart need further research, I hope this article becomes a starting point that inspires other colleagues to continue investigating this novel way of explaining divergences in twins’ personalities and life trajectories.
1Aly Ben Ragel, El libro cunplido de los uidizios de las estrellas, Indigo, Volume 4, Chapter 1, p.331 ↑
2This written conversation was held on October 12th, 2020, via Messenger and is reproduced with Rev. Crane’s permission.
3Maurice Fernandez, The Astrology OF TWINS- Same Chart, Different Souls,,
4 Youtube, How to Tell the Difference between the Astrology Charts of Twins, May 18, 2019.